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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Games I've Played and that I recommend

Since some of this blog will be about some games I've played before and I would recommend, I've decided to talk about them. I watch youtubers play the games that I've played and well, they video tape their faces to see their expressions. Most of the games I have played are known as horror games. For example, Amnesia The Dark Descent or The Crooked Man. When I first played Amnesia, I thought it would be boring, but then it would get intense when the music played and hearing the monsters growling. After that, I got used to it and enjoyed playing it. What I liked about Amnesia The Dark Descent is that there is horror, it will make your heart race, it's intense, and it's even more fun if you play it in the dark. What I don't really like about Amnesia is that there are puzzles to solve and it gets hard on some levels. The other game I played was The Crooked Man. Now, this game, I really enjoyed and I would recommend it for those who haven't played it before. When I first played it, I thought it would be simple and easy to handle, but when the crooked man came out all of a sudden, like a jump scare, it was creepy looking. But it only come out twice in the games. Later on, the crooked man doesn't look that scary and creepy looking. I really found this game really interesting and fun to play, there was really nothing that I didn't like.


  1. I've played that game it was very intense!

  2. Wow I didn't know that about that game Amnesia. I think I will buy this game!

  3. These seem like some creepy games. I think I'm going to play them at night, all by myself. Thank you so much for the recommendations.
